Oh, hello! I’m a human that does design! And illustration! It’s a weird mix of the two. I’m still blown away by the fact that I get to put my brain and visual skills to use for real money.
I have a wonderfully odd and diverse skillset that includes type work, welding, sceenprinting, digital/traditional illustration, package design, event design/promotion, lip service and drinking whiskey. I went to fancy schools, (SCAD, RMCAD) and —finally— paid off those student loans. I’ve interned across the country, weaseled my way into advertising, won plenty of Addys, and have flailed just hard enough to get to the point of Creative Director. I’ve spent several years grinding at larger agencies, then some more working with smaller shops, and another two years sprinting with a startup.
Lately, I’ve been focusing on my craft and working on truly meaningful projects. I’m a free bird!
Reach out if you want some bad to okay-ish advice. Reach out extra hard if you would like to work with me (especially if you’re a punk/garage band looking for gig posters). And then just scream at the top of your lungs if you want to see that password protected kind of work. We both know what’s going on with that, eh hem.